Essential Pain Management for Veterinary Nurses 20-Hour CPD
CourseAs an RVN, you know the importance of effective pain management, but sometimes it can be challenging to know the best approach. This comprehensive course will equip you with the latest knowledge and skills to provide superior pain management nursing.
Senior Health Nursing Clinics for the RVN 3-Hour CPD
Course5.0 average rating (4 reviews)The aim of this course is to give you a brief introduction into how to set up Senior pet clinics and how you can bring it all together and implement successful clinics your clients can't get enough of.
Enhancing the Euthanasia Experience Part 1: Helping with the Decision 1 Hr CPD
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Give Your Patients the Gentlest Goodbye. Euthanasia is a deeply personal, challenging part of our work. It's a farewell that needs understanding, empathy, and skill.
Enhancing the Euthanasia Experience Part 2: 'Making It Easier For All' 1-Hr CPD
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Free
Practical Laser Therapy for Veterinary Nurses 3-Hr CPD
Course5.0 average rating (3 reviews)On this course we will delve into the science behind how the therapy works, giving you help and guidance to make the most out of your laser and run successful clinics.
Nutrition: An Evidence Based Approach for Veterinary Nurses 10-Hour CPD
CourseThere are so many varying opinions, so much information out there, so many diets available it can be daunting and difficult to know where to start. Build your confidence with this evidence based approach to patient nutrition.